October 11, 2024

The Checker v1.0.2.9 upgrade is now available. Many of the checkers are automatically updated. However, there’s a small group of checkers that may need a manual update. If your GUI/CLI still needs to be updated, please follow the steps below to ensure your system is up to date. Please visit the Checker Portal for latest versions.

Update Instructions

For GUI Users:

  1. Exit and Restart the application.

  2. Wait for the upgrade prompt and complete the installation of the new version.

Alternatively: You can exit the application and download the latest version directly from our official website: app.aethir.com.

For CLI Users:

Run the following command in your terminal to restart the checker:

sudo systemctl restart aethir-checker

For NaaS Users:

If you are using NaaS and not running your own nodes, please log in to the Checker Portal and verify that your licenses are not showing as offline. If any issues are detected, please contact the service provider you use for further assistance.

Important Notice

A 3-day grace period (October 8 - October 10, 2024) was applied to allow time for you to complete the upgrade. During this time, please ensure your system is updated to avoid any interruptions in service.

Need Help?

Please contact our support team if you encounter any issues during the upgrade process. We're here to assist you!

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Last updated