How are rewards calculated?
You can check the distribution rules here.
Why were the base rewards I received significantly lower than others did?
The base reward is calculated based on the weighted average of the work completed correctly by each Checker. If the machine that the checker client operates on does not meet the minimum hardware requirements, licenses may go offline or produce incorrect task results, leading to reduced rewards, or even banned licenses.
The rewards shown on your activity page correspond to the activities of the previous UTC day. For example, if the reward time is displayed as 2024-08-01 01:XX:XX, it represents the rewards earned between 2024-07-31 00:00:00 and 2024-07-31 23:59:59 UTC. If the rewards do not meet your expectations, you may want to check the client's healthiness for that day.
The bonus reward is calculated based on the weighted average of the base reward received by each Checker in the quarter.
You can check the detailed rules for the reward distribution here.
Why are my nodes checking but I can't see any rewards?
Rewards are calculated at the start of the next day and are typically reflected in your portal after 02:00 UTC the next day.
How can I verify whether my nodes are earning rewards for me?
Nodes are earning rewards if they are delegated, in Checking status and perform the correct result for the tasks received (therefore please make sure your node operator meets the minimum hardware requirements). Rewards are calculated and distributed daily, but the exact amount is determined at the end of the day and typically reflected in your dashboard after 02:00 UTC.
If your nodes are not delegated: Please delegate your nodes to your node operator or your checker client if you wish to run the node yourself.
If your nodes are delegated but in offline status: Please check here. You may also want to check if you have delegated to the correct Checker Client by verifying if the burner wallet shown on the owner portal is consistent with that provided by the NaaS or shown on your Checker Client.
How can I participate in Aethir Staking using the rewards earned from my Checker nodes?
Before staking your rewards in Aethir Staking, you must first claim and withdraw them. Once withdrawn, you can proceed with the staking process.
KYC, Claim & Withdraw
Why does my KYC take so long to proceed?
KYC results are typically reflected in your portal within 36 hours of submission. For any queries regarding your KYC process, please contact KYC support directly. Please note it takes max. 12 hours for Aethir to proceed the KYC status after receiving Synaps approval.
Why did my KYC fail?
KYC can be rejected for a variety of reasons. For specific queries regarding your KYC result, please contact KYC support directly. Please note it takes 1 hour for Aethir to proceed the KYC status after receiving Synaps approval.
Where can I find the claimed amount?
In the Activity page, all your claimed amount are listed under the type “Claim”.
You can also view the vesting period in your Dashboard or the summed up amount in your Personal Center by clicking your alias.
I clicked “Claim” and the available vATH was reduced. But I can’t find the claimed amount.
if your wallet window pops up and you have confirmed your claim in your wallet, please refresh the Activity page to check the status. You can also verify your transaction on Arbiscan.
if your wallet window does not pop up, or you have rejected this activity in your wallet, the transaction will shown on the Activity page as "Pending". After 10 mins, the session times out, the status changes to Failed, and the amount will be returned to the claimable vATH.
We recommend you to use Chrome, install your wallet as a browser extension, and log into the wallet before you claim any vATH to avoid claim failure.
If you do not use a browser extension for the wallet, you need to open the wallet manually to confirm the claim.
I clicked "Claim," and an error message saying "Internal JSON-RPC error" appeared. What should I do?
MetaMask users may encounter this error due to specific settings and configurations within MetaMask. You can try to follow the following troubleshooting guide to:
delete the arbitrum network and add it back manually
check if there is sufficient balance for gas fee
check if the Metamask app or extension is up to date.
Metamask Support | Error 'Internal JSON-RPC error' when trying to interact with other networks
Owner Platform & Wallet
Why am I seeing a message that I don’t have a license?
Access to the Checker Owner Portal is restricted to owners of the Checker NFT. If you see a message like “License does not exist” or “Sorry, we couldn’t find a valid Checker license in your wallet!”, try the following steps:
Step 1: Verify your license on the Arbitrum One (ETH) Blockchain
Visit Arbiscan.
Enter your wallet address and click Search.
Navigate to NFT Transfers and check if Aethir Checker License(s) have been transferred to your account.
Step 2: Troubleshoot based on your findings
I see Aethir Checker License(s) in my wallet → Contact support with your wallet ID.
I don’t see any Aethir Checker License in my wallet → Check your purchase history and confirm you’re using the correct wallet ID.
Additional Possible Reason: Metastreet Participation
If you’ve participated in Metastreet, your license may have been transferred to the Metastreet contract, which can prevent it from appearing in your wallet.
Why can't I connect to my wallet extension when trying to sign-in, claim or withdraw?
If your wallet extension is not responding to the sign-in, claim, or withdraw requests, try the following steps:
Check for Updates
Ensure your browser is up to date.
Make sure your wallet extension is updated to the latest version.
Verify Wallet Settings
Open your wallet extension and select the correct wallet.
Switch to the Arbitrum network.
Retry the Connection
Attempt to sign in/claim/withdraw again and see if the request appears.
If the issue persists, try the following:
Connect to a personal hotspot.
Refresh the page.
Try again.
How do I connect my Safe wallet?
Go to app.aethir.com. Click the button for checker node owner.
In the wallet selection window, choose WalletConnect.
Copy the link provided in the WalletConnect pop-up window.
Open your Safe wallet. Click the WalletConnect button. Paste the link to complete the connection. Safe guide: How to connect a Safe to a dApp using WalletConnect
How do I know the burner wallet address when delegating my nodes?
If you decide to run the node in your own machine/VPS → Go to the Checker Node Client and get the public key of your burner wallet
If you decide to use a NaaS service → Contact your NaaS provider
What should I do if my nodes are in offline status?
Offline status is typically caused by an unstable network connection of the node operator. Scheduled maintenance might also cause checker license and client to go offline.
How can I make my ready nodes in checking status?
Nodes enter checking status when they receive tasks, which are assigned according to specific rules. Ensuring a stable network connection helps prevent your tasks from being reassigned to other checkers.
Compromised Wallet
Can I transfer my Checker NFT to a new wallet if my current wallet is compromised?
No. Checker NFTs are non-transferable for the first year, until June 12, 2025 (stay tuned to our Discord and socials for more information). This means the NFT, along with any earned $vATH and vested $ATH, remains in the compromised wallet. Blockchain rules are immutable, and Aethir must follow these restrictions.
What happens to my $ATH and $vATH in the compromised wallet?
$vATH & Vested $ATH: $vATH is the rewards earned by the Checker nodes. Once claimed, it enters a vesting period of either 30 days or 180 days, depending on the user selection. Both $vATH & vested $ATH remain in the compromised wallet.
Withdrawn $ATH: Once the vesting period ends, the $ATH can be withdrawn to the compromised wallet and then transferred to a new wallet.
Can Aethir help recover my lost NFT or tokens?
Due to the decentralized and annoymous nature of blockchain, Aethir cannot recover or reverse transactions involving lost or stolen assets.
Last updated