Set Capacity Limit

The capacity limit is the maximum number of Checker Nodes allowed to run on your client. The default value is 100, but you can configure your own capacity limit from 1 to 100.

Please note that there are minimum resource requirements for the machine, which scale linearly with the number of nodes running.

Test Maximum Capacity

The Test Capacity tool calculates your machine’s daily task capacity and recommends the ideal number of licenses to bind. It generally takes 5–20 minutes to generate the results.

Note: Exceeding the recommended capacity will lead to inability to complete tasks assigned, affecting your rewards.

Linux CLI

Please note that it is a prerequisite to use this command that the at least one node owner has initiates the delegation process to this burner wallet address.

Run Test Capacity: aethir test capacity

Check Test Results: aethir test capacity get

Windows GUI

Navigate to the Settings tab or use the Dashboard quick link to start the test.

Follow prompts and view results once the test completes.

Set Capacity Limit

Linux CLI

Please note that it is a prerequisite to use this command that the at least one node owner has initiates the delegation process to this burner wallet address.

Set capacity: aethir setting capacity [value]

Check current capacity: aethir setting capacity get

Windows GUI

You can adjust your capacity limit on the Settings tab or via the quick link on your Dashboard.

Last updated