How do Checker Nodes Work

Checker nodes ensure the integrity and service quality of Aethir network by checking the Container and its service process. The parameters mainly include Liveness, Capacity, and Quality of Service. The checking methods include Heartbeat collection, Benchmark testing, Link data collection and analysis, etc.

Checker Node Rewards

Checkers are incentivized with token rewards, including:

  • Base Rewards: Base rewards are given to all Checkers who successfully complete work tasks. These rewards account for 10% of the total tokens of the platform, released gradually over four years. The amount each Checker earns is proportional to the number of tasks they correctly completed compared to the total tasks completed across the network. Base rewards are calculated and distributed on a daily basis. Base Reward=Daily poolNumber of tasks completed by licenseTotal number of tasks completedBase\ Reward =Daily \ pool * \frac{Number\ of \ tasks\ completed\ by\ license} {Total \ number\ of \ tasks\ completed}

  • Bonus Rewards: Bonus rewards provide additional incentives for Checkers that successfully completed work. This pool represents 5% of the total tokens of the platform, released over four years. Bonus rewards are evaluated and distributed quarterly. The distribution for the first two quarters is based on each Checker’s share of the base rewards earned during the quarter relative to the total base rewards distributed. Bonus Reward=Quarterly poolBase Reward received quarterly by licenseTotal Base Reward distributed quarterlyBonus\ Reward =Quarterly \ pool * \frac{Base\ Reward\ received\ quarterly\ by\ license} {Total \ Base\ Reward \ distributed\ quarterly}

    Please note that modifications to the bonus reward calculation may be made after the first 2 quarters to reflect the banning and penalty scenarios.

Checker Node Operation

Checkers are assigned to check a certain Container and must complete Check tasks for all task types.

  • Liveness container heartbeat detection: continuous detection, once every minute;

  • QOE container rendering quality detection: once every minute during container rendering;

  • Capacity specification testing: once a day

If there is no response from the Checker in the expected period, the Check task is reassigned to a new Checker. If the Checker goes offline, all tasks are reassigned.

If the previous Checker has completed the Capacity Check, the result will be void, and the newly assigned Checker needs to perform the Capacity Check again.

Banning Scenarios

  • If there are more than or equal to 2 incorrect calculations in a week, the reward qualification will be banned for a month (no tasks will be assigned to the Check Node within a month)

  • If there are more than or equal to 5 incorrect calculations in a month, the reward qualification will be banned for 6 months (no tasks will be assigned to the Check Node within 6 months)

  • If the accumulated incorrect calculations exceed 10, you will be banned for life and your qualification as a Checker will be canceled.

Checker Node Status

Checker Nodes can have one of five statuses that indicate their current state of operation. Understanding these statuses is crucial for efficiently managing and troubleshooting Checker Nodes within the Aethir Network.

  • Checking: Actively performing verification tasks.

  • Ready: Prepared to receive new tasks, but not currently checking.

  • Offline: Not operational due to network issues or maintenance.

  • Banned: Disqualified from earning rewards due to repeated failures or policy violations.

  • Pending: Awaiting approval for delegation.

Last updated