Staking User How-to Guide

Aethir’s staking platform is a key component of the Aethir ecosystem. It allows users to stake ATH tokens in two staking pools, thus contributing to the network’s stability.

Users can choose between the Gaming and AI staking pools. The Aethir staking service offers supercharged staking benefits. By staking in the available pools, users will also recieve a portion of the native tokens of our selected ecosystem partners from the AI and gaming sectors.

Additionally, when staking ATH, users will receive stATH, our liquid staking token that can be used on partner platforms to gain additional rewards from our partners

How to Stake ATH: Step-By-Step Guide

Using the Aethir staking platform is straightforward. Follow the steps below to stake your ATH:

1. Wrap Your ATH

Connect your wallet to Aethir’s staking platform and navigate to the Wrap - unWrap option to wrap your ATH and receive veATH, which you can then stake in one of the two available staking pools.

2. Choose Your Staking Pool

Decide whether you want to contribute to the Gaming or AI ecosystem. Staking in the ATH - Gaming pool will net you additional rewards from our gaming partners while staking in the ATH - AI pool will net you additional rewards from our AI partners. You can also stake in both pools.

Direct link to Gaming Pool:

Direct link to AI Pool:

3. Stake Your ATH

Deposit your veATH tokens into the chosen staking pool for a specified duration between one week and four years. Once you stake your veATH, you will also receive stATH, which you can utilize on Aethir’s ecosystem partner platforms for additional benefits. To redeem your principal staking deposit, you must deposit back the same amount of both stATH and veATH.

4. Get Staking Rewards

By staking ATH, you become eligible to receive regular weekly rewards in ATH tokens and additional tokens from your chosen pool's partners (Gaming or AI). You can claim your weekly rewards in the Claim Rewards section of the staking platform’s Stake page. Early withdrawals are not permitted. You can only withdraw your initial staking deposit once the selected lock-up period expires, while staking rewards can be claimed weekly. You can increase your staked amount or extend your lock-up period at any time to increase your rewards.

Last updated