How to Provide Aethir Earth (AI)
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Aethir Earth makes it easy to integrate your bare-metal GPU servers into its network, enabling high-performance computing.
Navigate to Aethir Earth - Servers, and click Add New Server.
Run the Setup Script: Copy the private setup script displayed on your portal and execute it on the server(s) you wish to import.
Rename Servers For Easier Identification
The script ends with "Aethir" as the default placeholder for your server name. You may change this to a custom name for easier identification. If left unchanged, the server name will default to the Server ID, a unique identifier assigned based on the MAC address. When adding multiple servers, renaming them is recommended for easier identification during the subsequent process.
Refresh the Server List: Click Refresh to view the servers where the script has been successfully executed.
Verify Server Details: For each detected server, confirm the following:
a. Ensure the public ingress IP and port are correct. Onboarding servers located in mainland China or behind VPN is not allowed! Please contact Support for any special considerations.
b. Select the appropriate spec type.
Make Sure Everything Is Correct!
Please make sure the servers have the expected specifications before onboarding. Any hardware modifications after this step will require re-onboarding.
Incorrect IP or specification selection may result in significant delays in the subsequent Checking stage, or even slashing penalties. If the desired spec type is not listed in the dropdown, contact Support for assistance.
Confirm and Add: Click Confirm and Add to proceed. You will be redirected to the Server List page, where the added servers will enter the Checking stage. Aethir will verify their accessibility and configuration, a process that may take up to 24 hours.
Staking Preparation: Once verification is complete, the server status will change to Waiting for Staking. Click Stake to proceed. More information about staking can be found here.
Check One More Time!
Ensure the machine is fully ready for service. Any hardware modifications after this point will require re-onboarding and re-staking.
Approve Staking: Review the staking details and click Approve. Authorize the staking transaction in your crypto wallet.
Wallet Changes Not Allowed After Staking
Once staking is completed, changing your wallet is not allowed.
Earning ATH rewards: After staking, your servers will become active on the Aethir network. You will begin receiving ATH rewards based on the computational power you provide and the stability of your resources. Check the details of how rewards and service fees are calculated here.
After servers are added to the platform, you can use the Servers page to efficiently manage your servers and monitor their status, performance, and configuration details in real time.
Server Status
In addition to the three onboarding-related statuses, a staked server can be either ‘In Service’ or ‘Offline.’ Below is a summary of each status:
Confirming Specification: The setup script has been successfully executed. Awaiting user confirmation of the IP address, port, and server specifications.
Checking: Server details have been confirmed. Awaiting platform verification of accessibility and configuration.
Waiting for Staking: The server has passed verification. Awaiting user staking.
In Service: The server has been successfully onboarded to the platform. No further actions are required.
Offline: The server has been detected as offline.
Why Are My Servers Offline?
Check if the network is accessible with the correct IP addresses. Reboot the server if needed.
Make sure the bmagent downloaded during onboarding is running. Do not remove the bmagent.
Contact Support if the servers remain offline.
Server Details
You can check the server details by clicking the Details button.
The only changeable field in Server Details is the Server Name. If unchanged, the server name will default to the Server ID.
It is possible to change the IP address if the server is not in an active service order. Please contact Support to make changes.
Changing The MAC Address Requires Restaking!
Be cautious when modifying the network configurations of your server.
Changing the Network Interface Card (NIC) will alter the MAC address, resulting in a new Server ID, requiring re-staking.
Hardware modifications are not allowed after staking is completed.
Any maintenance or modifications may lead to slashing penalties and may impact active rental orders for Cloud Tenants.
If special circumstances require maintenance, please contact Support for assistance.