The Container

Fundamental to the Aethir network, the Container is where the actual use of the cloud takes place. It acts as a virtual endpoint, executing and rendering the application (e.g., rendering the game for the player). The Container's purpose is to ensure that the cloud experience is immediate and responsive, offering a "zero lag" experience. This is achieved by shifting the workload from the local device to the Container (e.g., shifting all game execution and command processing). 

Operational Considerations

  • Container Status: Must always be in a ready state, prepared for immediate activation upon consumer request. 

  • Application Deployment: Each Container should have the application or services pre-installed and configured to allow quick access and startup. 

  • Processing Capability: Containers need to meet specific processing and graphical requirements to handle the applications or services without performance issues. 

  • Network Efficiency: Must possess the bandwidth and network infrastructure to support high-speed data transfer and low-latency interactions. 

Selection Process 

  • Performance-Based: Containers are selected based on their ability to provide the highest quality of service with the lowest possible latency and cost. 

  • Experience Optimization: Containers are assessed for their capability to deliver the best possible consumer or enterprise application experience, considering factors such as frame rate and resolution. 

Resource Provisioning

  • Rewards for Readiness: Containers receive compensation for maintaining a state of high readiness and for providing standby services. 

  • Incentives for Service: Additional rewards are given for the actual runtime during which Containers are actively used by consumers. 

Quality Assurance

  • Performance Validation: A Container's performance is regularly checked to ensure it continues to meet the network's standards. 

  • Service Feedback: The actual user experience is monitored and used to adjust the priority and selection of Containers in the future.

Containers States

  • Ready to Configure: When a Container is new, it's like it's waiting for its instructions. This is the time when it's set up with the right settings and information.

  • Waiting for Check-Up: Once set up, the Container waits for a Checker to make sure everything is in order.

  • Checked and Ready: If the Checker gives a thumbs up, the Container is all set to be used in the network.

  • Need Rechecking: If something's not right, the Container goes back for another check-up.

  • Connected and Healthy: A Container needs to show it's well-connected and functioning correctly. This is like a regular heartbeat, showing it's alive and kicking.

  • Locked for Maintenance: Sometimes, a Container needs a tune-up or an upgrade. During this time, it's not available for use.

  • Quality Control: We always monitor the quality of a Container's work. If it's not up to the mark, it needs to be checked and fixed.


  • Ready for Action: Containers that have passed checks and are healthy.

  • Busy Working: Containers currently in the middle of a task.

  • Taking a Break: Containers that are offline or not in a healthy state.

  • Getting Set Up: Containers being prepared for action.

Billing and Usage

  • Active Use: Containers that are online, healthy, and busy with tasks.

  • On Standby: Containers that are ready and waiting but not currently busy.

  • Fee Adjustments: In certain situations, like if a Container isn't performing well or is offline when it shouldn't be, there could be fee adjustments.

Last updated

Change request #227: Staking and Rewards for New Cloud Host