Key Features

Aethir has five defining features that separate it from other cloud compute infrastructure providers:

Enterprise grade

The demands of AI and cloud gaming require high-quality cloud compute infrastructure. Aethir focuses on aggregating high-quality GPU resources, such as NVIDIA’s H100 chips, from data centers, tech companies, telecom companies, top gaming studios, and crypto mining companies. This ensures a level of compute quality that end users can rely on, whether they are startups, small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), or large enterprises.

Low latency

Latency is a core aspect of real-time rendering. High latency makes cloud gaming impossible, especially at any sort of scale. But this is exactly what happens with today’s cloud compute infrastructure. Even if the compute resources are available, they aren’t often capable of delivering on these latency requirements unless the end user is geographically close to the origin of the compute. This puts serious constraints on real-time rendering innovation.

Consider gaming in Asia. More than half of the world’s gamers live there, but most are gaming on low-end devices. This means two things. First, most simply don’t have access to the high-end gaming content produced by the biggest gaming companies. Second, the biggest gaming companies don’t have access to the majority of Asian gamers.

Cloud gaming technology would unlock a huge amount of value in Asia simply because it abstracts compute requirements away from low-end devices and allows those devices to access high-end gaming content. Until now, this technology hasn’t been deployed throughout the region due to the cost of scaling cloud compute infrastructure. This is a problem that DePINs solve. Aethir, with its distributed model, can meet the demands of cloud gaming in any specific region, providing scalable, low-latency compute to any gamer that needs it.


Centralized compute infrastructure models are simply too slow to keep up with the demands of AI and real-time rendering. They are built on the premise of buying new chips to increase supply, something that is difficult amid a demand-driven chip shortage. As mentioned, they also struggle to meet geographic- and industry-specific requirements.

Aethir is distributed by design. It aggregates existing chips from across the world into a powerful and responsive network that can meet end users where they are. Scalability then becomes a reality because new compute supply can be added without Aethir needing to purchase any chips.


Aside from ethical concerns around control, centralization has another disadvantage: high cost. Data center operation and company overhead are ultimately reflected in the price paid by the consumer for compute resources. And with insatiable demand for compute driving prices ever higher, smaller companies are often completely priced out of the market.

Aethir’s distributed network eliminates the costs associated with legacy providers by as much as 80%. It doesn’t have to pay to construct and operate data centers, nor does it carry the same level of company overhead as large corporates. Aethir can, therefore, achieve superior unit economics, enabling compute providers to compete fairly on price. This ultimately means affordable on-demand compute resources for all, at scale.

Decentralized ownership

One of the primary benefits of DePINs is that resource owners always retain ownership of the resources they contribute to the network. In the context of the billions of dollars big tech makes off ownership of our data, we can begin to understand how important it is to make decentralized ownership a core pillar of infrastructure networks.

Aethir’s model guarantees resource ownership by design. Owners have full control over how often they make their resources available. And provided they meet quality control standards, they can earn a steady reward stream that accurately reflects the value of their contribution. What this means is that it’s now financially viable for a resource provider to contribute to Aethir and operate as its own AWS-like cloud compute infrastructure.

Last updated

Change request #227: Staking and Rewards for New Cloud Host