Slashing Mechanism

Slashing Mechanism

Slashing is a penalty mechanism designed to ensure the reliability and security of the Aethir network. It discourages malicious behavior and container downtime by reducing the staking amount of the container and temporarily halting its operation until the stake is replenished.

Conditions for Slashing

Slashing penalties can be triggered by various conditions, including:

  1. Checker-Detected Anomalies: The Aethir network employs a "Checker" system to monitor online containers for liveness, capacity, and quality of experience (QoE). If the Checker detects any anomalies or inconsistencies, it can initiate a slashing penalty.

  2. Service Interruptions:

    • During Rendering: If a container experiences downtime or service interruption while actively processing a rendering task, it will be subject to slashing. The penalty amount is calculated as 1/3 * K-value * Staking Coefficient.

    • During Reserve Mode: Reserve containers are expected to be continuously online and available. If downtime occurs during a settlement period, a slashing penalty of 1/3 * K-value * Staking Coefficient is applied, and the service fee for that period is refunded to the developer.

    • During Non-Rendering: While no slashing occurs for offline containers during non-rendering periods, they will not receive any PoC or PoD rewards during their downtime.

  3. Dishonest Behavior:

    • Malicious Attempts: If a container is found to be deliberately deceiving the indexer or engaging in other malicious activities, it will face severe penalties. The slashing penalty in such cases is tripled, amounting to K-value * Staking Coefficient.

    • Underperformance: If the Checker's regular checks reveal that a container's performance is significantly lower than its promised specifications, it will also be subject to the tripled slashing penalty.

Slashing Penalties and Forfeiture

  • Penalty Calculation: Slashing penalties are calculated based on the container's K-value and the current staking coefficient. The specific penalty amount depends on the severity of the offense.

  • Forfeiture: The slashed amount is forfeited from the container's staked tokens and transferred to a dedicated platform wallet.

  • Forfeiture Overflow: In extreme cases where the slashing penalty exceeds the container's staked balance, the forfeiture process ends after all balances are reduced to zero.

Slashing Window

  • The slashing window defines the period during which slashing penalties can be applied.

  • The specific duration of the slashing window is not explicitly mentioned in the provided documents and may be subject to future updates or clarifications.

Key Points

  • Slashing is a critical mechanism to maintain network integrity and incentivize responsible behavior.

  • It ensures that containers remain online, perform as promised, and deliver high-quality services.

  • Participants should be aware of the potential slashing risks and adhere to the network's guidelines to avoid penalties.

  • It's crucial to stay informed about any updates or changes to the slashing mechanism through official Aethir announcements and documentation.

Last updated

Change request #227: Staking and Rewards for New Cloud Host